Sunday, March 18, 2007

Rain, rain, go away

I woke up this morning and thought "good, it's not raining, finally I can go walk the dogs". So I put on all the gear, get them all leashed up, walk about 1 block and the rain starts again. Man, is it ever going to be spring or summer? My dogs and I could really benefit from some long walks.

Yesterday, I finished up my ripple-a-long. I quit. I went as far as I was going to go. The sides became bigger and bigger, I didn't pay enough attention, and it's odd shape is not good enough to give away as I had planned. Also, if you don't use a big enough hook for crochet, your work can be quite stiff and I didn't feel it draped nice enough. I am using it as a cover to my bird cage. This may not be such a great idea, because now I have to look at it everyday and think about how I'm not happy with it, and contemplate whether I consider it a failure or if I am happy with the learning experience.

It got me thinking though, I joined the "a-long" because others I knew were doing it and they seemed to be having so much fun. I thought "hmm, yeah, this is something I could do". But my heart really wasn't in it. I didn't have the great stash of yarns that everyone else had. And every other project I've done, has been something I wanted to do. But this one was for other reasons. Maybe that's the trick with crochet or knit projects. It should be something you really want to do. I mean, you're putting your money into it for the supplies, and of course lots of time and then some pain (I get cramped hands from crochet and sometimes sore shoulders - am I doing it all wrong?). So if you're going to endure these three things or more, you really should make sure that you are really enjoying it. That's my life lesson for this week kids.

Yesterday, in spirit of St. Patrick's day, I crocheted this shamrock coaster.

Today, I'll pick up the dpns and work on my sock - something I really would like to do.

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