Monday, May 14, 2007

Where does the time go? (When it's not around here)

For the past week, everyday after work I have been spending 2 to 2 1/2 hours each day in the gardens. Then I clean up, make dinner, eat dinner with JP, clean up and then knit.

On Saturday I walked the dogs, sewed and hemmed (by hand) some pants for the kid, did laundry, gardened for two hours, cleaned up and then went to a family function, then out to dinner and then home.

Sunday (Happy Mother's Day), I walked the dogs, phoned my mum and then we went downtown. Came home, ate dinner, watched the Sopranos, washed dishes and went to bed.

That's it. Where does the time go? My "office" room is a mess. I just don't know what to do. Finally the weather is so gorgeous, who wants to spend time indoors, sorting and decluttering? This afternoon, I may not garden. I may sit in the sun and knit. There is still lots to do in the garden but at least the seeds are in the ground and all the rush jobs are done. Oh who am I kidding? Of course I'll just do one thing, which will lead to another and pretty soon 2 hours are gone again!

Here are some flowery updates - my ornamental cherry has littered my front lawn with blossoms, it almost looks like a bridal scene. This is a very beautiful thing the first few days but usually shortly after that, we get rain and then I have a lawn full of little brown flower balls!
Here's my beautiful azalea bush
And some miniature yellow poppies...


Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Your hard work shows. I envy that everything's in bloom for you already. And that your seeds are in the ground. Too cold here to plant in the ground yet. But the greenhouse/tire plants are getting a good start. I know what you mean about time. I still have no spare time now that I'm not working. I wonder how I ever got anything done when I was.

Way Out Wear said...

Thanks JO! I'm sorry about the cold weather you have. That must be hard to adjust to after living in the Lower Mainland. I love the tire/greenhouses though and have told people about them who were impressed and intriqued at the same time. Keep us posted on that.
Don't they say that the time it takes to do something expands to the time available? And yes, sometimes I think if I commuted to work I'd actually be able to get more done!