Monday, June 16, 2008

Busy Weekend

It was JPs birthday on Saturday but the majority of our day was taken up by his sister's wedding and since he takes his birthdays pretty seriously and normally even takes the day off work if it falls on a weekday, I tried to compensate by bumping it up to Friday night.

Earlier in the day I baked him a 2 layer yellow cake (lots of butter and eggs). Then JP, the kid and I went for dinner at The Olive Garden and when we got home we gave him his presents. Then while the boys were playing with them, I finished icing the cake which was now cool enough for icing. It was too warm before we left for dinner and as JP says "premature decoration affects thousands of women and bakers every year".....

Saturday the boys donned black suits and white shirts and we headed into Gastown for the wedding and such. (I wore a black and white skirt and a wasabi green cardigan, just in case you were curious)

Sunday, was Father's Day but the kid had to go home early so we only had a bit of time to hang out before we took him home. With JPs broken rib, there wasn't too much movement happening. We did swing by Chapters on the way home and spent his birthday gift card (he's so sweet, he shared it with me!) and I did BBQ a couple of sirloin steaks for him.

On Saturday, I left Jazz with my neighbour overnight since we were away for so long at the wedding, and when I picked her upon Sunday morning, they asked if I drugged her because she was so mellow. She didn't play with the neighbour dogs like she used to, in fact, she'd leave the room and lay on the mat in the bathroom! (what an antisocial girl). I guess she's really gotten used to her solitude now that Maxx is gone.

All in all, the weekend flew by pretty quickly but the only thing I made was the cake, no knitting or embroidery or anything! And I'm not sure if I'll get any done today because after work I'll be trimming and mowing the lawns since the rain finally stopped and everything is so overgrown! (I'm not complaining though, I'm just so glad the sun it out and it's getting warmer!

I hope you were able to get lots done, let me know!

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