Friday, June 13, 2008

Knitscene Magazine

Cool. I just received 2 issues of Interweave's Special Issue magazine, Knitscene - Fall 2007 and the Winter 07/Spring 2008. The patterns are a younger style and include a good range of projects(including some crochet). Interweave's website says this:
Are you a spirited knitter who feasts on yarn, knits in style, and likes to push your creativity level to the max? Knitscene magazine, a special issue from the publisher of Interweave Knits, is packed with first-sweater projects, fun accessories, and the best in techniques for the spirited, creative knitter. For a limited time only, get two of our popular back issues: Fall 2007 and the most recent Knitscene, Winter 07/Spring 08 for just $9.99.

Included in the Fall 07/Spring 08 issue is an interview (and a pattern) with the fabulous Wendy Bernard of Knit and Tonic blog which if you're not reading on a regular basis, you should. She includes incredible photos taken by her husband who's simply known as HWWV (which stands for 'he who wears Versace" ) and numerous comical stories all tied into her current knitting projects or experiences.

You do know I'm a magazinaholic don't you? And now I'm encouraging you to be the same. But I'm not ready for magazine rehab so no interventions please. Collecting knitting or crochet magazines feels a bit less indulgent because they stick around longer than the fashion magazines that get recycled within a few months. However, now that I think about it, magazines sticking around may not be such a good idea for my other dirty little secret, clutter.

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