Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hi! Hi! Hi!

I was at the hair salon today and my stylist asked me what I did on the weekend. I don't know! Time seems to be flying by so quickly I had to think about it. And I don't even live an exciting life like some people! Maybe that's why I couldn't remember - or because it was just too much to say shopping, dining, making blueberry pancakes and knitting?

As she was cutting my hair, I was flip-flopping between liking my new cut and not liking it. Especially at the end when she'd start to style it, then little things made a big difference. In the end I was okay with it.

When I got home, I did some minor changes and then I really liked it. But tell me, is it just me or does this happen to other people (JP says it's just me) ...when I'm at home and check myself in the mirror I look fine, I'm happy enough with my hair/make-up/clothes to leave the house. But then when I'm out and see my reflection in a store window or a mirror somewhere I think I look like crap. Do I have magic mirrors in my house? Is it just me?

I'm a little nervous with this 'listeriosis' outbreak that is going on. I almost think we should all become vegetarians, however remember a couple e-coli outbreaks involving spinach and other veggies within the past year? So, is anything safe to eat? Maybe super processed foods wouldn't kill us with bacteria - just trans-fats though, or too much salt! So will outbreaks like this scare us into eating less as the food we consume seems to becoming a higher risk as time goes on? I think I'm going to become friends with my freezer though, not many bacterium can survive being frozen, and then being cooked!

And I guess the 'expiry date Nazi' in my house will feel victorious as the papers tell us to "follow the 'use by' dates".


I do have some other things to share, but I need to download photos or scan things in for you, so I'll get to it later, I hope you don't mind.


Anonymous said...

Magic mirrors! I've got them too! I very VERLY rarely like pictures taken of me. I feel confident that I look OK and then when I see the pic I hate my hair or just my look in general.

The 100-mile diet. Sounding more and more attractive by the minute.

Way Out Wear said...

Yay! I'm glad I'm not the only one who has that problem with magic mirrors!

And yes, the 100-mile diet is sounding more attractive - aren't you glad you grow so many of your own veggies?

Anonymous said...

home grown veggies just taste better somehow. pretty soon we're going to raise our own meat, too. beef, pork, chicken.....all on the agenda. buying from the supermarket is expensive and starting to get scary.