Saturday, September 06, 2008

7 Random Things about ME!

I was tagged by Lorna to tell you 7 random things about me. And by the way, Lorna has some very fascinating things - very creative, please stop by her blog to read her 7 random things.

The rules are pretty simple:
1. Write 7 interesting or random facts about yourself. - see below
2. Tag 7 people you want to learn more about - everyone I would tag has already been tagged and if you're reading this and I didn't tag you - then I tag you, and leave me a comment so I can read it!
3. Post a comment on their blogs to let them know - see above


1. I've had my motorcycle licence for 13 years (long before the girl rider thing caught on) and just sold my bike last year. I want to get another soon.

2. I have an amazing ability to know the lyrics of so many songs, but I have a horrible voice and have even been told that I am not "allowed to sing". I still want to take singing lessons.

3. When I was 15 I entered a twin sized quilt (designed by my mum) in the PNE - back in the day when cooking and domestic skills were still judged. It was of Little Bo Peep and she and all her sheep were made seperately, stuffed and then sewn on so they'd be extra puffy. I didn't realize that they needed it a month before the PNE opened for judging, so there I was working up a sweat with a heavy quilt on my lap, hand quilting like mad in the July heat! I won a prize. Every ten years or so I come across it in my boxes of craft stuff, I don't treat it as nicely as I should.

4. I had my FAC - Firearms Acquisition Certificate in my 20's - and used to go to the range to shoot targets.

5. When I was six, I was so convinced I was reincarnated from a dog that my brother insisted I eat a piece of dog kibble to prove it. I pretended I liked it. I'm sure he just wanted to see what he could make me do. Now I find it interesting that a kid that young understood the concept of reincarnation, especially in those days.

6. I think I've got an anti-addictive body, two examples: -I never wanted to stop smoking, just one day it tasted really bad. And I was a heavy black coffee drinker from the age of 15 and then one day I wasn't, and now I don't really like the smell or taste of coffee at all.

7. I'm older than most people think I am.

So there you have it folks, 7 things I'm pretty sure you never knew about me. Tell me what you think!


Ms.Barbara Jane said...

I think you are a fascinating person actually. Wish I had an anti-addictive body!

Way Out Wear said...

Thanks Barb - you make me blush!

bodalorna said...

Yay! Thanks for playing. Love learning new things about people. Especially that you thought you were a reincarnation of a dog! So cute and 6 - knowing about reincarnation?! WOW!

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