Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Why I oughta...

(a very, very short play by Way Out Wear?)
Based on a true story.

*****ACT I

SCENE: I walk into the kitchen and see JP standing in front of the fridge, door wide open, drinking out of the milk jug again.

Me: Why? Why do you do that when I've asked you not to?
( milk jug high in the air like a salute, he continues drinking)

Me: I mean really, it's so gross. I just don't get it. Why don't you listen to me? You're the one that gets all freaky about food going bad. Why? Why? Why?
(said with increasing frustration)

*****ACT II

SCENE: Next morning. JP and I standing in the kitchen by the counter about 2' apart facing each other. JP is looking at me and doesn't break his gaze as he reaches into the cupboard and plunks a glass onto the counter. He pours it half full of milk.

Me: Oh thank you that is much better.
(said with relief)

JP takes the glass and drinks half of the milk in the glass. Then looks me in the eye and pours the remaining milk back into the jug.

I collapse into a frustrated, sobbing pile of sorrow and defeat on the floor.




bodalorna said...

That's so funny...and frustrating at the same time! He knows where your buttons are:)

Ms.Barbara Jane said...

Somebody needs a spanking.

Carol Browne said...

JP is awesome. LOLS!

Way Out Wear said...

Thanks everyone!

Endako Jo said...
