Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Some people are mean!

Today I was at the medical lab for some blood tests, etc. No worries... my doctor is proactive and just wants to see how I'm doing. One of the tests requires me to fast - which is really hard because I'm up at 5:30 and the clinic's not open until 8 and that's a long time to wait for breakfast! But I took a book with me and didn't think too much of it.

But while I was sitting in the waiting area, a couple of times I thought I heard someone swearing so I'd look up and scan the room but didn't see anyone in action or anyone that looked like they were ticked off about something, so I went back to reading. A short time later I was called to the back for the blood sample and heard a nurse/technician say to a guy a couple of chairs down from me "well we can take it if you want, what would you like?" He he was swearing at her/at the situation. Again she tried to accommodate this guy, but to no avail, he stormed out of the lab. I said cheerily "you can take my blood" to make light of the situation but the lady was still shaken up a bit so I said "It's not your fault". She acknowledged what I said, repeated it and thanked me.

I'm not telling this story for a pat on the back, rather in sympathy for the nurse/technician. I realize I have no idea of the man's story, but really, do we need to treat others this way? The poor lady was just doing her job. I hope that I helped a bit to make the rest of her day go better. I think many people forget how their actions affect other people, and sometimes quite dramatically. One comment said can be easily and quickly forgotten but the recipient can carry those words for many years.

The good part is that I know all my readers are the good people but I know that some of them have been victims of these other people and that is truly unfortunate. So on this beautiful and sunny October 1st I wish you all a glorious day and many positive thoughts.

(gee do I sound a bit preachy? maybe I should not write after I've fasted for 10 hours and they've taken a bunch of blood out of me! oopsy!)


bodalorna said...

I know you're not looking for a pat on the back but I'm giving you one anyway! Good for you for making the woman's day brighter (you would have done regardless). It takes so little to hurt someone's feelings or be rude but it takes even less effort to be kind and positive - don'tcha think? And the results usually make it all worthwhile.
Thanks for the happy wishes for this beautiful day. Right back at you!

Cynthia F said...

Some people are definitely mean, or just ignorant. They are so wrapped up in themselves they forget there's other people and a world around them. I bet that lady will remember you for saying what you did and making her feel better. :))

Way Out Wear said...

Thank you for your kind comments. Very much appreciated.

Carol Browne said...

I find it hard to say anything while something like that is happening and hate being put on the spot like the technician you mentioned. It was good that you were there to give her some comfort and acknowledged that person was being unreasonable. I hate that kind of confrontational stuff. Why can't we all just be happy and talk about crafts all the time? Sheesh.

You're a good egg.