Monday, October 06, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

When I had to tell my friends that I wasn't going to be able to make our planned shopping day, did I feel like a schmuck! So many people flake on other people today I just didn't want to be one of those people. As well I sort of felt like a kid who was grounded - my friends were going on a fun shopping day and I couldn't go. I was glad when I was able to join them mid-way through the day! I felt so much better for them and about myself.

Since it was rather blah outside yesterday and I couldn't take Jazz for a walk I stayed indoors and was lazy! Although I did run to the store for some groceries so I could make the boys some chocolate chip cookies with Rice Krispies (his nanny's recipe). After that I worked on my second Jaywalker sock. And this time the kid went home after dinner which was nice for all of us, except JP who had the lonely drive in the dark (it's about a 2 hour round trip). The kid likes it at our house, and we got to have one more dinner with him, which was also nice since we won't see him next week for Thanksgiving. (next weekend? yikes!)

Are y'all still watching Mad Men? It's a pretty good show. I'm just wondering, do you think people will have Mad Men themed Halloween or other parties? Do you think anything will spin off from it like the Cosmopolitan cocktail did from Sex and the City? Will domesticity return or drinking in the office? What will it be?

1 comment:

Cynthia F said...

awww sheesh girl!! you had waaaay more important stuff to deal with on Saturday- you're so not a flaker!!! Don't even think it!! We both were hoping Jazz was doing ok and had planned to drop some apples at your place if you couldn't make it.
I'm glad you did make it tho'- it was a great day!!!! & hope everything goes well with Jazz at her appointment this week. Let me know ok...? :))