Saturday, December 27, 2008

Shnow, Shlush and Shugar cookies

To help out my old girl, I followed her through the yard and made her a pathway when we had our first big snowfall. This saved her from doing that hoppy thing that dogs do in the snow.

1. Here's the weird 'hoppy' thing:
It's very hard getting her picture in the snow because she moves just so dang fast, and I should have waited until daylight -but you get the idea.
2. Here's Jazz enjoying her pathway(already covered with more snow) :
And now that it's warmed up (2 degrees) and it's been raining heavily, the bottom of the patch is grass but the wet snow is still all around on the sides. She'll venture into the deep snow when she's following a scent or other important things she must do, but otherwise she seems to very much enjoy her pathway (Thanks to my brother for giving me the idea).

3. And here's Jazz doing an impression of one of those 'digging dog' garden ornaments:
Christmas was good to us, and I hope it was good to you as well. We were well fed and kept warm. Our family and friends gave us nice gifts and all is well.

Today we had a bit of a power outage from 4:15am to 9:45 - the kid slept right through it and doesn't even know about it. Jp went outside earlier with the portable stove and boiled us some water for tea - ahhh, it always tastes super good that way. We had heard the power was going to be out until the afternoon so we're pretty happy it came back so quickly.

We're not going anywhere today. Jazz's vet appointment was canceled due to the power outage and so I'm spending the day between thes activities: playing MillionHeir on my Nintendo DS, knitting (a tank top-I know it's the wrong season), embroidering, walking Jazz (when the rain lightens up), listening to music with my new headphones, reading and cooking. I'm starting to wonder if my multiple interests should really be considered 'attention deficit disorder' or do I just have lots of interests. Ever heard the saying "saying your bored means you're boring"? I suspect a mother wrote that to stop her kids from whining, but I don't think I could be a boring person because I always have some activity to do (insecurity alert, insecurity alert: am I a boring person? eep, maybe you're reading my boring blog and nodding your head.. aiyee)

Anyway, it's too wet and sloppy to go outside so we're going to stay warm and waiting for all the yucky white stuff to go away.

1 comment:

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