Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

So far during the holidays, JP and I played lots of Rummy. I won for the first three days but last night it was pretty even, dang! I like winning! We've also caught up on the first 3 seasons of Scrubs. My only fear is that JP already did and will start to sound a whole lot more like Dr. Cox. That's a bit scary. I've been staying up later and later and not eating proper meals so I am looking forward to getting back to a routine starting January 2nd. Although laying in bed all day watching DVDs was fun - it's time to become productive again.

Just like everyone else, New Year's means hope for a good year, and hope for changes for the better(of course). Sure, I have plans- not resolutions, which I do intend to keep. I think we always need to have plans don't we?

We'll be picking up the kid today and JP will have him all next week, he doesn't go back to school until the 8th. But I go back to work on the 2nd -that's going to tough to work at home when 2 other people are around all the time.

We're going to stick around home tonight and I'm making Tacos. We don't like being on the roads on New Years so we've made it a tradition to stick with the boy.

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a fabulous and prosperous 2007!

1 comment:

M. Patrizio said...

Happy New Year to you and thank you for stopping by my blog!