Thursday, May 10, 2007

What I have been doing

Well as far as I'm concerned, our first Spring day was Tuesday. It was finally warm enough to go outside in a t-shirt (long sleeved t-shirt though) and enjoy some sun. After work I've been spending about 2-3 hours each day in the garden. I am very behind due to our horrible March and April weather, plus my little vacation two weeks ago (my how time flies!). I decided to concentrate on the front yard first and have tidied up my carport as it's open for all to see.

Here's what is in bloom now:



Garden critters:
I'm working hard on the back yard. Some gardens are going to be deleted. I admit it - I just can't win the battle with my neighbours morning glory. It's too aggressive and fast growing. And some plots no matter what I do - they just keep having too many weeds. I will delete a strawberry patch because of the constant weed situation despite covering the ground with mulch but also because every time I just get a nice big strawberry, and I'm leaving it to ripen on the plant - a stupid slug or snail comes along and gets to it before I do. I so hate that.

But you know what I hate the most? Flower thieves! I found out from my neighbour that another neighbour has been helping themselves to my lilacs. Now you can see from the photo that I have a very nice plant. But what you don't know is that I've been working and pruning this tree for about 3 years before this many blooms could be achieved. These neighbours know me, surely they could knock on my door and ask if they could have some. But they did not. They proudly told my neighbour that they cut a bunch for the house and then some more because their daughter just came out of the hospital and they were going to get a step stool so they could get some more! Now if they had asked me, I would have said yes. But the fact that people are just helping themselves to my flowers is theft. Plain and simple. What do you think?

Notice there are no flowers on the bottom of the bush?


Carol Browne said...

Thieves. Totally thieves. Not cool at all. Now you'll have to get a ladder to get flowers for yourself. So rude!

Anonymous said...

Carol might be experiencing that with her hydrangea (I used to). I agree with you that it is theft. I can see how they'd be tempted because lilacs are so delicious smelling, but it is YOUR property. I'd probably put a sign out there. Your thief isn't named Helen is it? I had a co-worker (named Helen) that carried cutters in her purse and would steal lilacs all the time. She called it "liberating" them. I used to give her a bad time for doing that. By the way, beautiful blooms. Mine are just starting to show buds up here in the north country. No leaves on any of the trees yet, either.

Way Out Wear said...

Thank you Carol - I agree.
And Jo - no it's June and Irv that are the thiefs! I'd like to put some chicken wire around it and electrify it!
Helen sounds like quite the pill!
I'll send warm weather your way so you can enjoy your trees soon too!