Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sept 16 + 28 Degrees C = happy me!

Wowza! What gorgeous weather! It's such a shame I have to be inside for work! Days like this are incredible. Since the kids are in school and many people are at work, the neighbourhood is quiet. I mean Q-U-I-E-T, quiet! At times, there are no cars driving by and maybe not even a bird or a dog making noise. It can be completely still. See? There are some good things about living in the 'burbs.
Here's my sheep planter with a tomato plant, hmm, no flowers or fruit - I don't think it'll make it in time, but gardeners like me have 'hope-itis' so I'll wait until as long as I can, one just never know what'll happen in the garden.

It's very nature filled these days, for example this morning we heard a weird tapping noise on the house... so I went to investigate and there was a blue jay with a hazelnut in his beak, trying to break it on the peak of our roof. Squirrels, crows and jays all have their paws and beaks on the nuts right now, I find them everywhere. You should have seen our gutters - the birds were dipping them in the water (before we cleared the drains), it's pretty comical. They've got walnuts too. I'm not sure if there are trees around but I suspect people put them in squirrel feeders. Squirrels to me are just 'rats with good PR'!

And this time of year the spiders become really active. First of all, their webs become super strong. Have you ever experienced this? Their silk is so thick and strong, I've walked into the lines and have been able to back up without breaking them. And they cross yards. During my morning walks I've seen a strand spanning from a power line to a person's garden, it's just incredible.
This is the biggest spider in my yard right now, I wish I could have put a ruler near her (all spiders are female in my mind) to show you how big - her body is as big as a shelled peanut! I'm not kidding.

And speaking of big, look at this huge toad in my garden:

Nah, I was just pulling your leg... it's just a garden ornament. I was having fun.

I took three photos outside, look how very different the backgrounds are: blue of the house, red of the shed and green grass. Interesting isn't it? Well, I thought so.

Okay, break's over, back to work I go.

I hope y'all can enjoy this beautiful weather too. And if you're feeling sorry for yourself, look at these pictures from Hurricane Ike and perhaps you'll feel better about your circumstances...... those poor people.

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