Monday, September 15, 2008

Warning: high volume of knitting content

Sunday was another great day off (including our most excellent weather). I spend the early morning knitting and reading in the dewy garden but by mid-morning when I came in the house to check on JP, I saw he was watching Good Will Hunting and I stayed to watch the rest of the film with him - I really like that movie, plus it was a chance to get under the covers and enjoy the heat captured under the blankies from the best human heater a girl could have.
As I watched the movie, I knitted. I had just turned the heel on a sock, but I didn't like the holes on each side of the side gusset (never had a problem like that before) and felt the ladder at the bottom of the foot was too much of a weak spot, so I frogged and started at the beginning of the heel again. By bedtime last night I had used up all the yarn I had frogged - so basically I lost one full day of knitting progress. Well it's better to lose a day than have to deal with those 'error' and potential weak spots. Besides, it's not a race... is it?
Mid-afternoon we went to Costco for a few 'essentials'. Actually, we were good and bought all food stuff with the odd extra like zip-loc bags or dryer sheets.
Knitting news: A new knitting source just went live a few days ago, check out Popknits

Book Review: I received this book from Vicki Howell and wanted to share a book review. Men Who Knit and the Dogs Who Love Them by Annie Modesitt and Drew Emborsky(The Crochet Dude) is an excellent source for all knitters. The designs are great - there is a good variety of styles - hats, socks, sweaters for the men and sweaters, toys and beds for the dogs. There are plenty of nicely patterned pieces to avoid the (often) boring task of one colour stockinette on a large back piece.
What I liked the most was the instructions. There are plenty of very detailed instructions, everything from marking and reading a chart, to colour work, to knitting a tube with two circular needles. And all patterns seem to be written very well - I can't really verify that until I've knitted through the pattern , but from what I've read they seem to be complete and succinct.
The dog sweater sizing chart is most helpful because dogs shapes vary so much and many patterns don't really recognize dogs larger than a Yorkshire Terrier. There are plenty of doggy sizes for each pattern which is a great help.
Even if you're not a man who knits, but you know a man (or dog) who'd like to receive your knitted creations, this would be a good choice to buy.

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