For a Grade 9 English assignment we had to write about an embarrassing moment. I couldn't think of one (or was so embarrassed I couldn't write about it in school), so I made up a story about accidentally tucking the back of my skirt into my pantyhose after leaving the washroom at a shopping mall.
I've had other embarrassing moments since then - most involving my mouth. Have you ever seen a young dog or a young child run so fast that their legs outrun their brain and then they wipe out? (It's quite odd to see but often a very funny sight). Well that's what happens to my mouth and brain - I'm in better control these days but still things just slip out of my mouth and I say something really stupid, or really mean, or ....? (I don't even know). Usually JP tells me about it afterwards and then I'm horrified because I hadn't meant a comment to be interpretted that way and feel awful about saying something mean to that person.
Anyway, the other day JP and I were driving to the store when he stopped at the gas station to fill up. I saw this really good looking guy and decided to make eye contact with him for as long as I could. When JP returned to the car, I told him about it and he wanted to know if the guy seemed to look at me for a longer time. Why yes! Yes he did! I still got it! And we continued to drive. As we were approaching the store I pulled down the visor to check myself in the mirror and discovered that I still had a curler at the back of my head!
"Were you going to tell me?" I shrieked. Laughing, he promised he wouldn't have let me go into the store with it.
But now my brain raced back over the past 10 minutes and it made sense why that guy looked at me that way and I remembered how JP looked at the top of my head twice which I thought was odd at the time - but didn't act on 'the why'. It all made sense now.
That would have made a good story for English class, don't you think?
Me. Skirt. Pantyhose. Party. Cute boy. Underwear tuck. Grade 11.
I can still hardly even say it.
Oh no! you poor girl! Thank you for sharing!
Aw crap! I had so many and being shy, everything was super embarassing. I guess when I came to school in grade 5 wearing the same pants that my male teacher was wearing- back when rugby pants were the rage and guys and girls styles looked the same, except I had the exact same ones in the exact same colour as he did. Top that with a perm gone wrong, I was a mess. Damn!
Did the other kids know about the pants, or only you? Oh you poor girl.
I remember sitting on the swings one day at lunch time at elementary school, and realized I had my pants on backwards! (Back in the day when little kids had elastic waist bands and pull on pants). I bolted from my swing and ran to the bathroom to turn them around and hoped no one noticed!
ha-ha-ha-HAAAA.....that's a very funny story! I can picture it all in my head. What a hoot!
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