Last night at dinner I did mention to JP that it felt like a really long week, so I'm not surprised my half comatose brain was also fooled so early in the morning.
You see, Jazz was at the vet on Friday, Saturday, and Monday getting x-rays and ultrasounds, blood tests and aspirates which finally revealed lymphoma. She started chemotherapy yesterday. Now the part that I think is a bit comical is that dogs don't tend to lose their hair during chemotherapy like people do, however, since they needed to take x-rays and do other tests, they've shaved her tummy so she is bald before even starting the treatment.
So far she's doing very well and this morning she's a very happy girl. I think getting out of all those vet clinics and not having anymore pokes and jabs from IV needles etc also makes her happy and it's a good thing she likes car rides because we'll have to go to the vet on Fridays for a weekly injectable treatment. Otherwise she's enjoying chicken broth with her food and other treats she'll be getting over the next couple of months!
I asked JP to make me dinner last night because I was so drained of energy. And I was so tired last night, I couldn't even knit. The thought of picking up and holding the needles was just too much work! I'm up early today and aiming for a productive and more energetic day.
awww Jazz! I'm glad she's doing ok with it so far though- poor girl. I hope you guys get some rest and take care of you too.... :))
I'm so sorry for that diagnosis! I send you all healing thoughts and sleep fairies.
Thanks for your kind wishes, healing thoughts and sleep fairies!
Good thoughts to you, Jazz. Get well soon. It's good to hear she's eating and feeling spry! Go Jazz!
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