Oh boy, ain't this one the truth. Staying up to date and staying organized really is better in the long run.
I've got a a long-winded story, with a bunch of run-on sentences, about trying to buy Olympic tickets for work which included a potential $11,000 purchase, scares of what was being charged, scares of what my employer would reimburse me, lost pass words etc. It was a frantic time and I don't know what happened to my brain. Where was I? Why did I screw this up so much?
And if I hadn't been behind on keeping my desk tidy, maybe I would have written down my password information in the first place, or not lost it if I did write it down.
Even telling the story, it's still all muddled - I'm sparing you the details.
But this experience, to me is a warning message. I need to pay better attention - or next time it might not all work out!
I need to keep up because catching up is too scary for me!
And as one of my co-workers likes to say "give your head a shake".
Ack! I'd be too freaked out to put that on my own card- you're brave!! You didn't screw it up- you got tix!!
I think it's something going around- I've been like that for the past few months- forgetting things, not being as thorough as I usually am- I'm hoping the New Year will wipe it out and I can start fresh!
And gah! That saying "give your head a shake" just rubs me the wrong way. I had it said to me once by a former employer and I flipped out. I felt like punching him. I should have punched him. LOL!
Well, I have to say - the 2010 guys have made this whole process very confusing as well. We ordered tix through the lottery, got our email to check whether we won anything (I also forgot my new password but did guess what my security answer was), only to learn that we didn't get any tix. Weird process! Sorry you had to go through all that though. Enjoy your day today:)
Yes, I hate the "give your head a shake" saying to, but he says it too often for me to be bothered by it.
Oh no Lorna, sorry you didn't get any. It's a really odd thing isn't it?
Thanks for your comments.
Boy, do I know exactly what you mean about getting behind. And why is it a lesson I have to keep re-learning ... over ... and ... over ... and...
We are staying far away from the Olympics. Am so glad to have gotten out of the city before that fiasco.
I kind of have a theory about the whole being muddled lately. Have meant to write about it on my blog ... but have been procrastinating (big sigh). I'll do it today.
Oh ya ... that "give your head a shake" guy. I'd shake his head alright. I've had several co-workers that have trouble switching from home/parent mode to work mode and speak to people as they would their children. I tell them that only my Mother is allowed to talk to me like that. I knew one woman (who was a boss) and said to an employee "I thought I taught you better than that". It was a unionized place and next thing you know she was called up on the carpet.
I wish you a better day today. Me, too.
Thanks JoAnn - great comments, can't wait to read your theory!
I know, I didn't want anything to do with the Olympics - which may have been why I missed it up so bad!
hope you're staying warm
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