Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Wouldn't you like to be this comfortable? Even though her face is smooshed and her ear is bent she sure looks comfortable with all her pillows. Her eyes aren't even fully open, she's just that comfortable. Now a days most dogs have a pretty good life. No more spending time outside for extended periods or being thrown scraps of food whenever or being whipped or beat. Nope, our dogs get people food and warm houses and regular grooming and lots of hugs and kisses and advanced medical treatments.

Speaking of which - can you see Jazz's shaved foreleg? She was at the vet's on Friday for her Chemo injection and she was on a table being held by the vet when the vet had to take a phone call. While the vet was holding her, Jazz ripped out her catheter! So she had to get her other leg shaved so they could put a catheter in the other leg to give her the injection. Now that's a dog that's feeling much better!

Last night JP took me to a picture show. We went to see Four Christmases and I have to say that it was good to laugh and take my mind off things. And, I also decided that we would just stay home for Christmas - no driving all over the place to visit people. Nope. Our Christmas is going to be just for us. And there were a couple of things between Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn that JP and I do as well so that was funny for us too. It's actually a pretty good Christmas movie. I'm sure most couples can relate to several scenes in it.
And now for today's inspirational card:

*did you notice typo? We need more proof readers in this world.


Carol Browne said...

It took me more than 5 reads to find the typo.

Also, Jazz looks good!

Picture show? Hardeeharhar! Did you guys see the "talkies"?

I love that you said picture show. Hahahaha! Cracked me up!

Way Out Wear said...

Glad I made you laugh Carol! Yup, we saw the talkies all right.

I'll tell Jazz what you said - she'll wag her tail fo sho!