3. On the way home, we stopped at the butchers and bought some meats and some yummy soup which we drank in the car. (It's quite windy and cold). Last night's dinner was rib eye steaks with mashed yams (cooked in butter, cream and sugar) and garlic bread. Everyone seemed pretty happy with that. They also liked the tapioca I had made before I started to cook dinner so it was all cooled and ready to go by the time they had eaten. Three happy tummies. (no photos - I was too busy to remember my camera)
4. Also on the way home, Jp stopped at Woolaroo (the yarn store) and bought me the yarn swift I wanted for Christmas ( but he couldn't find at the time) and a new ball winder. In the car after we had bought them, I suggested he was an enabler to my habit. He asked if my habit was bad. I said it wasn't. He asked me what my problem was. I said 'Nothing'. He turned the corner.
Thank you for the umbrella yarn swift and new ball winder! (photos of swift and winder borrowed from: http://www.numei.com/)
5. And what else have I been doing? Well some crafty things - I felt in the mood for something Valentines-y and I felt like crocheting and so I made this book mark: It's a little larger than I think a bookmark should be (2 1/4" x 8 1/4"), but didn't turn out that badly. Halfway through the project I had my doubts about it; sometimes it's best to wait until you're done to judge the project. Don't you think?
(pattern found here)
6. I've also been working on my MAP (millennium angel project) cross-stitch:
But if you go here, you'll see that my progress from Jan. 13 to the 25th wasn't all that great. Sometimes life gets in the way.
7. Jazz is still the same. I can't touch her except for on her head and maybe at the top of her hips - every where else she yelps if I touch her. She only gets up when I make her go to the bathroom and twice to eat. See the photo I posted earlier? Well that's the way she still looks - she just lays either on her left side or her right side. No energy in her. She looks worried every time I pet her because I might hurt her again. X-rays show nothing wrong with her heart or any of the organs, blood tests indicate nothing is wrong with her levels or her organ functions - but my eyes say some thing is wrong with my dog! They think there may have been a drug reaction so we may just have to wait it out - for how long, I don't know.
It's very frustrating not knowing what's wrong with her. And if I go to another vet for a second opinion, then I'll have to pay all those tests again. I'm sorry, but it's very expensive - I hate to say it, but it's a reality. Does anyone know a millionaire out there who'd like to find out why my dog is sick and how to make her better?
8. While at Woolaroo, I found out that the Abbotsford Fibrefest is most likely going to be canceled and we'll only have the Sewing & Craft Expo this spring. This disappoints me greatly as I believe there are a lot more crafters out there - but why aren't they going to the show? In the US there are fibrefests several times a year and people travel from all over to attend them. But in the Vancouver area, we can't keep one going? Why? What's wrong with it? Maybe the promoters aren't promoting in the right places? Look at this schedule, why can't we have one like that, why is the show failing in the Greater Vancouver Area?
Very cool stickers! I think you should save them for when you get your new bike! :)))
And yesss! I heart my ball winder, I need a swift too, I use my knees and it doesn't work so hot.
Nice bookmark!! It looks great! What did you use to make it with?
And holy that is huge progress on the MAP!
Maybe in the spring we should go together to the gibson's fibrefest if it's still on- it was a goodie!
And Jazz! I wish I could help her feel better, would a kiss from Starr lift her spirits? I hope she's doing ok and I hope your vet can help her somehow, poor girl.xo
Thanks for stopping by earlier this morning!
I love - LOVE - that bookmark! I can't crochet to save my life.. lol. Hope ur doggie feels better!
BGF - I used my knees too, but not any more. You can borrow mine if you like. And yes, perhaps we should consider the Gibson's show, otherwise the Sewing/Craft show is a must.
For the book mark, I just used a very fine acrylic and a No.1 Boye hook - just using what I had.
Thanks for the well wishes with Jazz, she thanks you too.
Kandra - thanks and you're welcome!
Any day that involves yarn *and* motorcycles is bound to be fabulous. I love those stickers! Isn't it frustrating how life gets in the way of our projects? But you're making great progress on yours. I'm so sorry about your struggles with poor little Jazz. Keeping her in my thoughts.
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