Monday, January 26, 2009

Word Verification Fun

For those of you reading and commenting on Blogger blogs - have you noticed their word verifications have changed from random letters to almost words. Some of the words were kinda funny to me so I asked Jp to give them definitions.

Here are some of the fun ones:
  • ongle - your aunt's husband
  • duckpus - an avian secretion for which you'll receive a bill
  • unksomed (unk-so-med) - cream that your aunt puts on your ongle's rash
  • popshupl - mott's brother
  • ences - Toonces brother (remember the cat from SNL that drove?)
  • pockrylo - some sort of greek pastry

Have you seen any word verifications that were funny words to you?


Carol Browne said...

Toonses! LOLS! I forgot about the driving cat.


Way Out Wear said...

Thanks Carol, you crack me up!