1. Coraline
My sweet husband has been busy on the internets buying Coraline items for me. Yesterday three dolls arrived:

And then I received an email from the very sweet and wonderful Jo-Ann who spent the time rounding up the following links. Here's her message(posted with permission):
I know how much you loved Coraline, so when I found these this
morning I immediately wondered if you'd seen them.....this website talks about
Coraline's gloves........ http://www.limenviolet.com/blog/?p=5846
and then links here for the pattern.....
and from there, there's a link for tiny, tiny knitting (I think I might go cross-eyed) ....... http://www.bugknits.com/.
There's a video of this miniature knitter on the Coraline website, which is a really cool website.
Have you seen it? ..... http://www.coraline.com/
There's even a pattern on the website for Coraline's sweater (I attached it)
The BugKnits link is particularly fascinating.
And let's hear a round of applause for Jo-Ann - isn't she the best?!
2. Shopping
From Tuesday's Bellingham trip - I don't normally mention prices, but really these are just too amazing to keep to myself; even after paying duty and the exchange they're still great deals.
Gloves: long knit black glove, long knit brown glove, long knit ruched wine gloves, black lace wrist warmers, black leather shorty zip gloves ($4.60 - $6.00 for the knit gloves, $16 for the leather)

Socks: I had to try the yoga socks. Have you every worn toe socks? It's kind of a weird feeling at first but then I got used to them. I found the socks don't slip on the floor, but my feet still slip inside the socks - so I'm not sold yet. But for keeping my toesy warm - I'll give it a thumbs up.

Shoes: one pair red gingham peep-toe wedges and one pair black gingham. They were $15 and I thought that was a good price, but I was even happier when they rang in at $5 each. FIVE BUCKS? You can't even buy a pack of smokes for that. I don't smoke but you know what I mean - I'll get more outta my $5 than most other things it could buy.
Hello spring and summer!

Purse/tote: green fabric with tattoo styled image, so fun for spring and summer don't you think?

3. Gifts
Not only have a been receiving Coraline items this week, I've also received some early Valentines presents. Here are two t-shirts JP bought for me. So cute aren't they?

(the purple one has pieces of toast with the words "we be jammin", and the blue one has a piece of macaroni next to a piece of cheese and it says "soul mates")
4. Knitting
I have seen the lighted knitting needles for some time but just wasn't going to shell out the money for them. Some people like them for knitting in the theatre or late night subway knitting and others have mentioned they are good for lace, especially black. But at $80+ for a set of 4, I just wasn't going to do it. However, when they were on sale for $17 for 4 sets of knitting needles plus extra batteries well then I just couldn't resist

And last, something I didn't acquire this week, but still wanted to share with you. I know it's too late for Valentines, but ladies for the men in your life - they may like to know about this product: http://www.saxxapparel.com/.
And if you've traveled east on Highway 1 towards Chilliwack recently, you may have noticed the billboard - did you? Apparently it's stirred some debate because of the word "balls". I wish I had a photo of it, but it's a little dangerous to stop on a highway like that for a photo, well it is for me anyway.
Well, phew! I think that about sums it up. Wishing you a lucky Friday the 13th, a Happy Valentines Day and a great weekend!
Hey, you are very welcome. Glad to spread the joy!
Those yoga socks are neat. I did get a pair of socks with rubbery non-slips "spots" on the bottom once. They took a little getting used to. Sara's BD is coming up and I am knitting some yoga socks for her (pattern at http://www.yarnsinternational.com/free_patterns.htm). I should get her a pair of those also.
OK...now you've got me curious about the "balls" billboard. I have quite an imagination, you know.
Great scores on the shopping front! Loving the shoes (surprise!:) I know what you're saying about the billboard! I was pretty shocked to see it all big and "ballsy" so close to my very religious, very churchy hometown! For those who don't know what we're talking about...I'll try to get a pic the next time I'm that way.
It says "Isn't it time your time your balls and legs spent some apart?" Was your imagination close to that?
I was just thinking about those socks last night! Very cool. Thanks again. Oh too bad I opened both packages already, otherwise I would have sent you up a pair.
Lorna - right now that billboard is pretty close to that field of crosses for the anti-abortion protest. Only get a picture if you're not driving though, 'kay?
thanks for the shopping compliments.
Hahaha! You said BALLS!
And, oh crap...Valentines Card. I'm on it. Thanks for the reminder.
Delightful post!!
It has everything, shopping, light up knitting needles and dirty billboards. You never disappoint me.
Happy V-Day!!!
oh...and the long gloves....love them. Wait til you see these ones I'm making. I'll post about them soon.
I can't wait to see the gloves you're making Jo - you're so brave!
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