Jo-Ann I agree. You'll have a shock if you had to move back! And another thing about the Costco's down here is the noise level. It's very noisy in the stores - well most of them anyway.
1. Yup, I did put some time into the Angel Project, but not as much as I should have. The problem was that I have to work so close to the edge. So I spent time assembling the stand my mum bought me to make my job easier. Now my hand doesn't fall asleep and it's easier to cover a larger area. The downside: it's difficult to get to the back of the fabric for the frequent colour changes (I know, I know - you take the good with the bad. I get it)

So far I've only knit the ribbed cuff of the first sock.
3. On Sunday I put out a clean tea towel but the longer I looked at it, the more it just seemed so plain. So on a whim I decided to embroidery it. Shame on me, I didn't measure the centre of the towel and I free handed the design - but it actually came out pretty good. JP hates embroidery on checked fabric but I didn't care. The towel just needed something. What a cute little pot, she's all worried because she could boil over, see the drops escaping from under the lid? And all that steam?
Maybe I should have done a tomato or a strawberry instead? No worries, I have plenty more tea towels in my cupboard.
Note: This is not my idea, I copied the pattern, but I didn't trace it - that's what I mean by 'free hand'
And that's all I can update you on right now. Oh that and it's hailing right now - I'm not complaining though because it's much better than an Arkansas Ice Storm!
awww jazz!! i'm just so glad she's feeling better!!
your angel is looking good- you've done a ton on her!!
cute sock pattern too- what a great idea!
and I love your tea towel, the design works well with the gingham checks, she's very cute!!
it's sooo cold out! we took starr for a little jaunt and nearly froze my hands off...whew!
I lOVE your little pot!
Good job!
Happy blogoversary!
Thank you Teena - and welcome to my blog!
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