My garden at 6am today - a couple of crocus and some
sad primula that have taken a beating over the winter
And I know, don't say it; there are probably 30 million bloggers who have a title similar to that on their blog today, right?
Maybe this will redeem myself, here's a little spring poem for you:
No more heaters
No more coats
No more eating rolled oats
Time for gardens
Time for sun
Time for having lots of fun!
Did that help?
Okay, since I've been away for a little while, I thought I'd share some recent thrifty finds, first a beautiful spring apron - the lower area is all embroidered and smocked, it's very pretty actually.
And a bag full of old, wooden spools of thread. As I was going through the bag, Jp asked what the little animal was, and I said brightly, "that's the thread bear" Threadbare - get it? Okay, well we laughed anyway.
This week I've been a busy girl (just like the everyone else).

After work Monday we went to Vancouver as Jp wanted to pick up a book he had ordered before Christmas-but sadly it wasn't there. I guess he was a little bit too late. As we were walking away, I spotted this awesome Coraline book, which was 20% off, plus we had an $8 credit, so I was very happy with it's price! On Wednesday, we wandered around Costco and then had to pick something up at a co-workers, and then went to the mall - where I got the best dang feather pillow! Oh it's so nice and comfy, but it's just encouraging me to sleep in! Jp has to talk me into buying these things, but I'm so happy with them after.
And yesterday, I did 2 hours of ironing. I know!
--- and that's how time flies!
And do you want to know what I've discovered about myself? I'm not a morning person! For the past 10+ years I'd listen empathetically as others would tell me about having difficulty getting up, or other sleeping in stories, but for me I just hopped out of bed at 6:00am in the winter and at 5:15 in the summer. Easy peasy. Except in the past three weeks. And now I realize that I wasn't the morning person, it was my dog! Without a dog wanting a walk, or food, or attention it's really easy to stay in bed until just before it's time to get ready for work, especially with a new feather pillow! All this time I thought it was me.
However, if you live in my area, then you might just be awakened by the street sweeper at 7:30 this morning! (Which is a good thing because all the gritty sand from the snow will be gone) Or by the numb-nuts next door that always backs up his work truck for 2 minutes with the backup beeper going the whole time. (Which doesn't bother me because I'm already up, but I know some neighbours aren't happy)
Maybe the early spring sun will help me go back to getting up early, what do you think?
Oooh I love those old wooden spools- sooo cool!
And ooooh feather pillow- nice!!!
The street sweepers hit us around 4:30-5am- blah! I'm starting to think I am supposed to be a nightowl since I am awake most of the night and just want to sleep all day.
And yes- come on sunny mornings! I am odd because I like the birds chirping very early, it makes me happy!
Wow - the street sweeper WAS early on your block!
I love the chirping birds at 4am in the summer too- they are so sweet!
It's not very often you'd find me taking pictures of my garden at 6:00 am. I am the anti-morning person.
Summer or winter I'm still not a morning person. I love the afternoons and late nights myself.
Where were you thrifting, anyway? Nice scoop. The apron is the greatest.
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