Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blog -aversary

Wow I totally missed my blog's anniversary - I started posting Feb 11, 2006. It's not exactly what I call a success, however, I suppose I haven't marketed it too well. How are people going to know about lil' ol' me? I guess my blog is more of an online journal and I do thank those of you who have stuck with me over the years - my faithful friends I thank you.

I definitely have learned a lot over the past couple of years and met wonderful people along the way. And I've discovered so many talented creative people - it's just been incredible.

I wish there was something I could say or do to thank you - is there anything you'd like me to say or do?


Cynthia F said...

Happy blogaversary!!! I'm so glad you blog and met you thru blogging- you're such a great friend!

Way Out Wear said...

Oh thank you Cynthia - and you're a great friend as well!

I truly appreciate the comment

Montreal Mama said...

Happy Blogaversary!

I'm Cynthia's friend Robyn from Montreal.

Way Out Wear said...

Hi Robyn - thanks for commenting - looking forward to seeing you in the spring!

Endako Jo said...

I guess that it all depends on what your goals are and how you measure success. I started my own blog so that my friends and family could see what I was doing after I moved away. It's been like a journal or diary of sorts. Up until recently it's met that goal, so I guess it's been successful (even though lately I've fallen behind on my updates). It was never meant to sell anything or promote myself, but I know that some people use it for that.
What can you do for me? Just keep being your wonderful self. Keep writing about how you see the world and I'll enjoy reading it. I love your creativity and your sensitivity and I relate to so much of what you do and think and say. Just be.
PS.....happy belated blog-i-versary!

Way Out Wear said...

Jo-Ann - you are truly wonderful yourself - what lovely comments and compliments. I am truly blessed to know you.

and thank you to everyone who has replied and encouraged me to continue. I really appreciate it.

futuregirl said...

Happy (belated even more) Blog Anniversary!