Tuesday, July 27, 2010


If you like unusual things, take a look at this site. Plus you'll find the odd comment relating to a 'what were they thinking moment' which can be kinda fun. Or as the site says "DIY meets WTF". And through this site I have learned that many, many people have no idea what 'steampunk' really means!There are some pretty creative comments about people's creations, and I can't believe that some of these items are still up for sale! Yikes!

UPDATE: Regretsy was featured on Nightline yesterday, here's the video! 

Speaking of design, yes, I'm going through some growing pains with my blog design so if you happen to check in and don't like what you see, it's highly possible it won't t stay that way. And if you'd like to offer me advice/comments/etc., please feel free to do so. Permission to speak freely.

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