Saturday, January 01, 2011

New Years Day

Today is a nice and calm day, it's beautifully sunny and I'm heading out in a few minutes for a dog walk (it's still cold though, 1 degrees is cold for us West Coasters). We chilled out last night and ate some yummy food (wings and sliders and nuggets). I had a delicious bottle of sparkling Pinot Grigio that was just right for the night.

Little Burgers are FUN!

I don't really make resolutions this time of year, and like many other people my ongoing aim is to become better or more - clean more often, take more time for myself, become better at knowing what I want and to stop trying to figure people out (asking 'why did they..." is a clue), spend more time doing and studying yoga and more time practicing meditation. I do have other 'goals' but I'm not ready to share them yet.

And to start the New Year off more creatively, I decided to bling out my dayplanner:

It's hard to see in this photo - the planner is actually more burgundy than red as it appears here, the gems are pink and red,  and the "Eco" dog sticker is velvety. What do you think?


Carol Browne said...

Eco looks quite smart with her jaunty neck scarf! Happy New Year!

منتديات said...

Happy new year for this meal .