I can't believe that I finally finished these socks! When I updated all the information in Ravelry (online knitting community) I realized I started them in September! I think that is the longest I've ever taken to complete a pair of socks, besides the time I knit knee high stockinette socks in Grade 4.... and Grade 5, and maybe even Grade 6.
These socks took a long time because I stopped for several Christmas knitting projects, plus I tried to get more embroidery done (photos here). The other reason they took so long is because I didn't like the yarn - it's a bamboo sock yarn with no lengthwise stretch so constant adjustments had to be done to maintain gauge, and the yarn split so I'd only pick up a couple of the plies and have a ply or two missed requiring me to tink (that's knit backwards) back to the bad stitch.
After finishing the first sock I realized it was slightly too short in the foot and I intended to unravel it and redo it but by the time I was near completion on the second sock I decided I was done with this yarn and that I'd just finish the pair and move on to some that scrumptious new yarn I just bought. Life's too short to knit with yarn you don't like - don't you think?
Reluctantly, here are the completed socks. I think they look okay, only I know their dirty little secret!
By the way, the pattern is from the book "Sock Innovation" by Cookie A, and the pattern is called Wanida. There is nothing wrong with her pattern, I love every sock I've ever knit by Cookie A. In this case, I am going to blame the yarn for my unhappiness with this project. I just didn't like the lack of life in the yarn. If you've every heated acrylic yarn and observed how the stretch "dies" after heating/ironing then you'll know what I mean. And if you haven't tried bamboo yarn before, don't let this discourage you, not all bamboo yarn is like this, it's only this one particular brand that does this. I have one more skein to use, and I think I'm going to knit is straight stockinette, I'm pretty sure it will work just fine for a good old-fashioned basic sock pattern.
I love how these socks turned out. I have no idea how to do make all those changes you had to do to adjust the gauge, etc. You're an awesome knitter. I'm also a big fan of the yarn. It's beautiful!
They look really nice and the colour is really pretty! I know what you mean about bamboo tho'- splitty stuff- ugh! I tried some by Panda, it was really bad, I ended up ripping it up and chucking it away, it wasn't even thrift shop donation worthy.
Thank you for the kind comments. Yes I liked the yarn colours and the knitting pattern, just not this particular bamboo yarn.
You're both so kind to me!
Good job! I like the colours and patterns.
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