Sunday, March 17, 2013

Returning home

Today I will be flying home from  a week long visit with family in Alberta. It's been an animal filled week with several dogs, two skunks and lots of deer. Although it's been colder than what I am used to and even snowed a couple of times, it's been sunnier and brighter than a week of Vancouver rain and so I am grateful for that.

I hope my flights aren't delayed as I would like to be home tonight. Jp didn't walk Eco at all this week but tells me they played frisbee with her, so that would give her some exercise and outdoor time.

My mom provide a nice place to stay and I appreciate the many yummy meals planned just for me. It wasn't without drama but I'm not going to dwell on the events and just look forward to one last morning and afternoon before I return to my little house and family. Hope you had a good week, I hope to catch up on your blogs this week as well.

1 comment:

Sultan said...

Travel safely.

One fears the skunk.