In case you're wondering, the hat is on a sculpture of an Kenyan baby and it is in black clay, his little facial features didn't come out all all... sorry baby. It's a life size sculpture, so at least I'm pretty sure this hat will fit a young baby.
But I still want to make some booties! I have two weeks before I'll be seeing them, so I've got a bit of time still! I'll either have to pop by the LYS or choose another pattern.
JP had a good father's day. The kid and I snuck off during our grocery shop to pick out a card and a gift. The kid thought a box of 100 chocolate bars was a good gift, so that's what he got his dad. I also cooked him some brisket for lunch and he talked about how good it was all day! Good. I'm glad he liked it.
I've put my mom's sweater on hold for a bit, but I know that I can't stray too far, or I won't finish it. So I will just have this little baby diversion and then back to work.
Big Girl Feet put parcels in the mail, so I could be getting something any day. I'm SO CURIOUS!
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