I read on your blog that you wondered about a family day for B.C. Let me tell you something: Back in the Seventies when I worked for the Federal Government, our union which was part of CUPE, tried everything they could and hauled in a lot of negotiators to get a holdiay in February. They stated sickness and absentee lists etc.etc. Yet the government wouldn't budge. The only province that started it was Alberta because Premier Ghetty felt that not enough people had time for their families and that the haul was too long from January 1 to Easter. I hear now that Ontario, P.E.I came aboard and Saskatchewan is coming in as well. I would think that people in B.C. should start over again with Campbell if he is still premier. There's really no reason not to allow it.
Typical leftists in B.C. always do stuff like that, labour and money is important to them, not family.
Well, I hope you guys get it next year. How about all your bloggers starting up a protest? In the States people often don't let the wool pulled over their eyes. Their voices just become louder
and louder. And look they got President's Day. What does that mean anyway, but it is a day off
for them.You guys should get Premier day, that should flatter that old f..rt
So anyone feel passionate enough to start a protest?
And speaking of family did you know :
...... that today is Bumstead's Wedding Day? In a 1933 comicstrip,
Blondie married Dagwood. Dagwood went on a hungerstrike to protest his parents'
opposition to his impendingmarriage to Blondie. The couple married and Dagwood
waspromptly disinherited. Blondie's maiden name had beenBoopadoop. Bet you
didn't know that! ;-)
Source: Audri and Jim Lanford
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