She has her good moments and her bad. In the good moments I tell myself I'm making a horrible mistake, but in the bad moments I'm relieved that it's the right decision. I am forced to define "quality of life" not only for her, but for me and my husband and our relationship. It's all so very difficult. 

(These photos were all taken Spring 2007 , which is why she looks so good. I had to use treats to perk her up in the top photos as it is typical for Jazz to act as if the camera is stealing her soul, otherwise she'd always look like she does in the last photo, with her ears down. )
Oh Denise, I am so very sorry to hear this. I know how hard and awful it is to make that decision. I hope you guys have a nice weekend together and remember all the fun times you had and spoil her rotten. Let me know if I can do anything for you, anything at all...
we're thinking of you....xoxo
Ah, Denise. This makes me so sad. I'm crying as I read. I can only imagine you were bawling writing it. Sometimes being a grownup sure sucks, doesn't it? Yes, you can eat all the ice cream you want, but you also have to make the tough decisions. I know that when I had to do it, I just kept remembering that it was all about her right then. I could feel bad later. You are a super good doggy Mom. I know your heart is breaking and I'm so sorry for that.
I'm so sorry Denise. So very sad. I just don't know what to say. I'm sure you have given Jazz an amazing home and so much love. Good luck with it all.
word cerification- dingo
Oh Denise. My thoughts and sympathies are with you and your family. Love and warm hugs to you all.
Oh Denise. I'm so sorry. Jazz was very lucky you rescued her and got to live with you and JP. Poor old girl. Take good care.
Oh I'm so sorry for what you're going through. What a heart-wrenching time. Thinking of you and Jazz and sending hugs your way.
Thank you all, big hugs to you.
It sure does suck to be a grown up - bah.
Jazz thanks you for your support too! We really do appreciated your comments.
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