Showing posts with label Parties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parties. Show all posts

Friday, December 06, 2013

Drunken Office Christmas Parties

Some people were talking about their upcoming office Christmas party, they were discussing how they weren't going to get drunk or crazy because last year someone posted a photo of them on Facebook after they had fallen down at the office party. Their solution - we should have a 'no phone' Christmas party! They felt if everyone checked their phones at the door along with their coats then everyone at the party could relax and party "like they did in the 80's".

I find it interesting that the fear of an embarrassing photo is more motivation than a whole bunch of other things - morals, good judgement, to name a few. I never understood why people went so crazy at these things anyway - just because it's 'free booze'? To me, they are co-workers and I'm still at work, so my work self will be at the function. I'm not going to get all drunk and confess my true opinions on the boss or his/her spouse.

I guess some people feel hard done by their employer and want to get the most out of them. At one work lunch my boss at them time told me that I should order the salad, most expensive entree and dessert because the company was paying. I just wanted the chicken, I didn't need the lobster. He ordered as much as he could.

Is your motivation not to get drunk at a work function based on 
a fear of a bad photo, or something else? 

Monday, July 29, 2013

Birthdays, I has them

Last week was my birthday and I thought it would be helpful to provide Jp with a list of the things I want since I often keep it to myself. One  of the items was a helium balloon bouquet which I thought would be fun and cheerful. Unfortunately he had a super busy day prior to my birthday and couldn't get them. Next up was a gift idea. I wanted a patio heater. He felt that the 7' tall version was too big and too hard to store so he purchased the table top heat. Fortunately we were advised from someone that owned one that they went through the little propane tanks nightly - something I had no interest in doing especially since I am usually the only one sitting outside, so I asked him to return it. Which he did.

But now, technically I didn't receive a birthday present. I'm an adult so it's okay, right? I had a good day, so a gift isn't really all that important - is it?

I see birthday people in two categories - the receivers and the takers. Some people are lucky enough to have those around them give them everything for their birthday - they receive a cake, a party, gifts, flowers etc. And then there are those that don't care to wait for others and create their own birthday, invite people, make an event, buy their own cake/cupcakes. They also often buy themselves their own birthday presents.

I seem to be a receiver in a taker world and therefore I am often left without anything. Should I change? Does it matter? Are we supposed to care about our birthdays when we're older? What do you do? What category do you fit into? As you can see, I'm very confused by the whole thing.

Monday, February 06, 2012

Baby Shower

Yesterday we went to a baby shower. It's been a long time since I've been to one and it seems so different. First of all there were a couple of 10 year old girls who basically ran the "check-in" desk, and announced when it was time to eat and when it was time for games, and the answers to the trivia questions etc. It was cute and I can understand why there were involved it's just that their voices weren't very loud and it seemed ineffective for getting the group to do certain tasks. Jp came along and cooked some sliders which were fabulous. He brought everything with him - little tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, pickles plus condiments. He even brought his own grill. I thought they were great!

The games were fun and light hearted but there was one that I just couldn't participate in. They put a melted chocolate bar in a diaper so it looked like you-know-what and then people had to guess what kind of chocolate bar it was. First of all I'm not that familiar with the differences between and Oh Henry and a Sweet Marie and second, I'm not too familiar with poopy diapers... luckily I just so happened to be in the carport giving the poor dog a break from it's crate. Ohh, too bad huh?

There were about 30 people there and almost everyone gave a present - I think there were only two gift cards given. I thought this was quite good but Jp figured that since just about everyone was young mom that many items were 're-gifts'. I didn't think of that, but it's certainly possible.

By the time I got up, walked the dog, helped a wee bit with the food prep, then drove an hour to the shower, etc - the whole day was gone and boy do I miss it. It really only felt like I had a one day weekend! Does that happen to you as well?