Monday, May 19, 2008

How I Spent My Victoria Day Long Weekend

I had hoped to accomplish more this weekend, but a super sized headache that woke me up Saturday morning at 4:30 am would squash my plans. TWO Tylenol 3's took about an hour to start working but I was still feeling pretty bad at 11:00am when it was time for more head-meds. By then the temperatures was almost 30 degrees so I sat in the shade and read, and did word searches, and painted some garden ornaments. Since Sunday was also supposed to be hot, I decided I'd better get the lawn cut - so I did that about 7pm and then since I was hot, sweaty and general filthy, I decided I'd try to work on that darn potato patch. Then the hubby came outside and told me dinner was ready and I should come in (man, it brought back the days of being in the garden with my dad and mom calling him for dinner... you needed to give him a 15 minute head start). I finished what I was doing and hoped that my dinner could wait until after my shower, but the cook would have none of it. So I scrubbed my hands and sat on a towel and ate my dinner. The best part was the shandy (half ginger ale, half beer) waiting in for me on the table. Oh it went down so well. I think that's about the best way for me to consume alcohol. Yum! After my shower there was another waiting for me, mmmm I sipped it as slow as I could.

Sunday, I hoped would be a quiet day, but nope - every neighbour in my vicinity had to turn on some power tool and about 5 neighbouring dogs continuously barked their little heads off (none of them mine) - I decided it was time to escape. I was just going to take Jazz down to the river, but it turned out we all went and left her at home. Jp taught the kid how to make noises with a blade of grass, and they both whacked a lot of trees along the path. We saw and old Mission Mill on fire (apparently started by squatters). I think there were 4 firetrucks and one ambulance when we drove by.
Well today I finished that dang potato patch - good thing too because I had 3 dreams about it last night - I was always interrupted and never got it done. Bah!

After the dahlias, potatoes and radishes were in the ground, I cleaned up and made the boys some Oliebollen - a dutch treat similar to fritters.

Are you still reading, or have I bored you so much? I hope I haven't. I like when you stop by for a visit.....

Now it's raining which is what I had hoped, so I didn't have to hand water my gardens....which reminds me - why do we have to have watering restrictions, when we had the wettest spring EVER, we are experiencing flooding and live in a rain forest? Anyone?
And finally, my latest crochet project, a shark. I named him Mark.


Carol Browne said...

JAWS! I love that shark! Nice one. Da da...da da dada...dun dun know the rest.

Way Out Wear said...

Thanks Carol! I can see you making one of these for your desk!

woof nanny said...

Yummmmm. Any type of fried dough is okay in my book ;). I am thoroughly enjoying your site--thank you for stopping by mine so I could find you.

Way Out Wear said...

Hi Woof Nanny - welcome!