Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Morning Musings

When JP returned from his trip, he mentioned that his side still hurt and I was sure it was just a pulled muscle. On Saturday morning he headed to the walk-in clinic where the doctor confirmed that he had broken a rib! That's pretty scary to me. One tense golf swing and your bone breaks? And the poor guy had to load and unload suit cases and move and set up a trade show booth, plus play golf with clients all with a broken rib. All while not complaining - this guy's got one strong pain threshold.

Me? I had a very stiff shoulder and neck yesterday - nothing broken- but man did it hurt and I'm sure I was vocal about it. I guess I'm a wimp.

And speaking of my sore shoulder, I have no idea how it came to be other than sleeping on it funny, or tension because I had to go to a work dinner last night. Is it possible to be so subconsciously tense about an event that I can manifest pain? I suppose so.

It's much better today, is that because of the pain killers or the fact that the dinner is over with?

This morning as I was walking my dog I passed the gas station and saw the price was 143.9 per litre! Three days ago the same gas station was selling it for 129.3 per litre. Holy crap people! It's a good thing other products don't have price jumps like that - can you imagine if the price of milk jumped 14 cents over the weekend? A 10% price increase really hurts, especially when for many of us we either get no annual increase to our wages, or less than 5%; that takes a chunk out of people's paycheques!

On this same walk, I also noticed that several people had filled their planter boxes with silk flowers- perhaps they are tired of all the rain and realized that any flowers that have bloomed are being destroyed by the rain drops. Over the last couple days I saw flowers that had bloomed and then dropped their petals all within a few days - those poor gardeners may not have had the chance to notice their flowers had come and gone.

And finally, as I was walking, I passed a guy with a Blue Heeler that I have seen many times over the past several years - we stop to talk to each other and talk about our dogs (and let the dogs smell each other). He told me that he calculated that he's walked over 5,000 miles in the past seven years, 'which is almost like walking across Canada' he said. It would be interesting if we kept track of other things we do on a daily basis - how many miles/kms of yarn have we knit or crocheted? or how may yards/metres of thread have we gone through....or how much we've got in our stash? I think we'd be quite surprised. On second thought, I don't think I want to know....

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