Sunday, June 08, 2008

Thifting Weekend - Part I

JP is back from his business trip, which means we had Chinese Food (a tradition he likes to keep up) and we did some shopping. It was nice to have him home, had a meal out and shop! We did not have any more creepy, scary fortunes. I did have one fortune cookie with 2 fortunes in it though.

And looking around my fave blogs this weekend, I see I wasn't the only one hitting the thrift stores. I guess a bunch of us had the same idea. Isn't that funny how it goes?

Here are some of my favourite finds - first, 2 monkeys climbing up a palm tree with a clock on the top - the clock doesn't work, but I can easily replace it:

Twin gyroscopes still in the box. My brother had a gyroscope when we were kids but he never let me play with it. Still, it was fun to watch.The box is in good shape and so are the gyroscopes, a fun thing to have around, no?
We had to pick up this little ceramic poodle, it is made from red clay and stamped from Japan - definitely more than 20 years old:
JP's new favourite t-shirt - it's a guy sitting on the couch with a video game control and a girl standing next to him, with the word 'neglecting' below..... (ha. ha.)
I adore this Jim Beam Bowling Pin! It's glass and about 12" tall:
Also found were 3 craft books - one is a "Better Homes and Gardens Complete Knitting, Crochet and Embroidery" book from the early 70's. It covers a large variety of techniques; the second is a book on crazy quilts which includes many patterns for embroidery and the third was a "Beginners Guide to Crewel Embroidery" which also had some good embroidery patterns. I found a larger afghan hook too, and made a test swatch - hmmm, I think I might be making a baby blanket, I quite like the afghan stitch.

Alrighty, I'll post the rest of the photos tomorrow. Hope you had good weekend.

I'd better get going, I gotta watch Mad Men tonight - it's not a new one though, the new season doesn't start until July 27th! (boo that it's so long from now, yay - there is a second season)


Unknown said...

oooh great thrift scores!!
i almost called you to go but knew JP was home this weekend so thought you'd be busy together... :))
we must go together some time!!

Way Out Wear said...

Thanks. Yes, let's go together...