Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thrifting Weekend - Part II

Speaking of found things, don't you hate when you find presents months after the event? Sometimes I give it to the person when I found it, sometimes it waits until the next occasion. I just found these Easter chocolates which I had bought for JP... too late to give them to him and shouldn't be held for next Easter, so I ate them. It was my duty. The things we do for love.
And now some more photos from this past weekend's Thrift Store shopping. This is my ultimate favourite item and I didn't even find it, JP did. I'm sorry the flash faded out the details. It's a metal painted birdhouse with a little birdie on the perch. When you wind it up there are bellows inside that make a birdie chirp and the bird moves around. We've searched through all sorts of collectors sites and can't find any reference to it, but other toys of the same era and manufacturer are apparently coveted items with metal wind-up toy collectors.
There was something about this next piece that JP liked and he feels there's a story to go with it. He really liked it. Do you know if there is any significance to it?
Next, I found this embroidered tea towel. The stitching is perfect and I think I even have companion patterns if I wanted to make more. This is perhaps another tea towel that I won't use.
Then we found these plates, which are helping to complete sets we already have. In the top right corner is a little ceramic holder for holding scissors. And now, the pieces you've all been waiting for ...... look at this awesome pineapple pitcher we found! I love it. It's so happy looking!

And our favourite, favourite, favourite piece, we practically bumped heads reaching for this one - it's a pineapple server with lid and matching plate! Woo hoo! This made us very happy!

And now, I have to find places to squirrel all this stuff away since we don't live in a very big house!


Carol Browne said...

OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Did we go to the all time WORST thrift store in hysterical abbotsford or what? Sheesh! You know what this means? Another road trip out to Mission. You guys MUST take me to this store. I love that little bird house and, of course, the pineapple server. Nice scoop!

Cynthia F said...

OMG the pineapples!! and the plates & birdhouse & all- you guys totally scored! I agree with Carol- must go again....

Way Out Wear said...

Yes Carol - you went to the worst Thrift Store in Hysterical Abbotsford. We'll have to try again - sounds like a plan (not this weekend though)....

The Queen of Fifty Cents said...

Love that birdhouse!