Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wedding Pictures

....Skeleton Wedding that is! Here are my completed versions from the Creepy Cute Crochet book. I substituted and used what I had - the author (Christen Haden) suggested Fimo for the eyes which I didn't have (and JP said "and how is it that you don't have black Fimo", looking around my vast supply of crafty goodness...) and I know I have white tulle somewhere, but I couldn't find it fast enough, I thought a ghoulie green veil was a good alternative.

And now, without further ado... the bride and groom......

...yes it was an evening ceremony in the garden.
And rather formal too - he, with his top hat; she, with a floor length gown.

The bride looks happy doesn't she?


Anonymous said...

Yes! Her smile looks much more from ear to ear than his. Wonder why...gggggggg. Wonder what the guests looked like.

Cynthia F said...

Love them!!! I love the green veil too- it suits her! :))

Carol Browne said...

That's awesome! I love the green veil! Cute, cute and creepy fun! Nicely done.

Way Out Wear said...

Thank you everyone, very encouraging!