Yes I am back. The trip was... well...I've been thinking about this for 2 days and I'm still not sure of the word to best describe it. Interesting? Challenging? A learning experience? Maybe that'll give you an idea.
I went to Alberta to visit my mum and travelled with 2 of her sisters, both of whom I haven't really seen since the last funeral 10 years ago. I'm open to adventures and hoped it would be good experience , however I opened my mouth and one well meant comment of advice was not well received, things snowballed and the good times ended. I'm not going to dwell on negativity so I won't say much more, other than it was was definitely a learning experience and a reminder of different types of people and how to communicate with them.
I didn't even get all the knitting done that I wanted to. I had really wanted to finish one sock and even brought another project, but my knitting in public wasn't as welcome as I thought it would be. I just concentrated my attention on my mum's cute schnauzer, Finnegan.
So now I'm back to regularly scheduled activities - work, housework, garden work, bills, emails and finishing that darn sock! Sometimes returning to a normal, boring, routine life can be a really good thing. And having JP and my dog miss me is one of the best parts about coming home.
Hope you had a good week.
Red Rock Coulee
awww that sucks that it didn't go as well as you'd hoped, families eh? I hope you got a nice visit in with your mum despite it all.
and I missed you too!! we're looking forward to seeing you next saturday.. :))
Welcome home. Your trip sounded...uh, uncomfortable? At least you had a cute dog to take the edge off. Just for the record, you can knit in public to your heart's content around me. Even in hysterical Abbotsford. Heck, even at the party next weekend! See you soon.
Thank you Carol and Cynthia - you are both so sweet!
Travelling with relatives can really be a challenge, that's for sure. At least you didn't get kicked out of the car and left hundreds and hundreds of miles from home, standing on the side of the road with your dog and all your stuff (not in suitcases). My own father did that to me.
And Art just travelled to Flin Flon and back with his Auntie. Days and days in a car together. He says it was a lotta fun, but also some not so fun parts.
There's naught as queer as folk.
OMG Jo - that's horrible! Did your father come back for you? Nothing like that happened to me - maybe that's because I was driving!
Yes, days and days in a car would be a lot worse.
good for Art for making it through his long journey!
Nope, Dad never came back. Not only did we have to find a way home (couldn't take the bus with a dog), but we also had to get back to where our journey had started to get our vehicle. We had been travelling in his. It cost a lot of money and heartache. To this day he doesn't see what he did wrong. I don't like my Dad much.
I looked back through my blog because I thought I had written about it, but it seems I only made a very slight mention back in Aug'06. I guess I was just too upset at the time.
JoAnn that sounds like a HORRIBLE experience. I feel so bad for you. I hope you never have to go through anything like that again.
You're right, somethings are better to forget!
You poor woman!
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