Sunday, July 06, 2008

~ One Year! ~

Yesterday was our first wedding anniversary and it was quite a leisurely day. We woke up, exchanged presents (he gave me a gorgeous watch) and then we went to Tiffany & Co. Here's the background: last year JP gave me a silver bracelet with a heart charm from Tiffany's and suggested that each year we would engrave a hatch mark. Now apparently Tiffany's sends their engraving jobs to be done off site, but JP managed to arrange for them to do this for us(no easy feat) yesterday. So here is the year one mark:
While waiting for the engraving, we had a drink and a sandwich in the lounge at the Fairmont Hotel then returned to Tiffany's to pick up the bracelet (another special meaning). Then on to Oscar's Art Books on Granville - because the first anniversary is about "Paper" and that means "books" to us. Then dinner at Cafe Crepe. Unconventional - yes, but that's how we roll.

Here are some of the books we picked up:
(Nudie is about a California Western wear and stage clothes designer - people such as Elvis, Johnny Cash, Cher, the cast of Dallas, etc all wore his amazing creations. Second Aid is about all those little items/inventions such as tea spout drip catchers and draft stoppers for doors, etc. Then I had to get the Summer issue of A Needle Pulling Thread as there are patterns by June aka Planet June and always Marie Claire Idees)

A quick trip to Meinhardt's for some yummy pop - Boylan's Lemon and Boylan's Tonic. mmmmm - that hit the spot!
And that's how we spent our first anniversary.


Carol Browne said...

Hey, wait a minute...there's no Tiffany's out in Mission is there? Heh!

Happy anniversary to you both! Your day sounded perfect.

Cynthia F said...

Congratulations!! It sounds like you guys had a great day...!!