Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Snickerdoodle is fun

My brother and I have an ongoing gag where we slam the other with the word "snickerdoodle" sneaking it where we can to catch the other off guard - like when I'm visiting he had covertly written the word in sidewalk chalk next to my rental car, etc.

During my visit two weeks ago, he left me alone in his kitchen while he made some phone calls. I ran around and hid little pieces of paper in various spots - between plates, in mugs, on top of the ice cube tray in the freezer, etc.

It's turned out to be more fun than I imagined. He's been sending me cute emails with photos showing the locations, and we've been learning how he moves about his house and when he opens cupboards, drawers, etc.
So far he's found about 10 -but I hid many more than that!

It's been a fun game and it's still ongoing!

1 comment:

Cynthia F said...

heee! that's awesome!!! your brother sounds as cool as you are...!! tee!