Christmas Day was good. We both did a very good job on presents for each other. And my family did a very nice job of picking out items for me as well. Thankfully I don't have family that runs through the mall at the last minute grabbing something that might be in their price range - my family thoughtfully picks out items for me, which I very much love.
One of my favorite gifts from Jp is this deer head:
Now I'm sure many of you wonder why the heck I'd want that but I think it's beautiful done in white, on a white wall. It is very well done and I love it. And I don't know how he found it so easily - I had been looking for a while and either they were not available or not in my price range. This one has a bit of "glittery flocking" on it - which doesn't necessarily sound nice, but it is. It gives just the right amount of texture and reflects some light back.
I hope you received the presents you wanted and that your gifts were thoughtfully chosen for you as well. What was your favourite gift?
My brother gave me a nice lump of coal.
a big raspberry to your brother!
(unless you wanted coal for winter warmth)
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