This weekend, I set out once again and made a double batch but they were being eaten off the cooling rack almost as fast as I could put them. Personally I think they don't get flavour until they cool off but Jp and The Kid didn't seem to share my opinion.

I can't eat just one. As much as I try:
"Only 1", I say.
"Oh but just one more"
"Okay last one" and ... it goes. These cookies are so evil in fact, that when taking the above photo I put it back because I know I can't stop at one. Oh yeah, he looks so innocent over there in that photo, all by himself - but that's the problem, he's never alone! And after 4 or 5 I don't feel so good, my head reeling from the sugar and my energy level crashing making it hard to finish the afternoon at work. I don't know how the others are surviving, they don't seem to have such an issue with their sugary goodness.
Four dozen cookies baked on Sunday - that's over 120 cookies.
Less than 50 remain 48 hours later.
Maybe it's not me that has to fear them....
Run for your lives little cookies, it's dangerous in this house!
Less than 50 remain 48 hours later.
Maybe it's not me that has to fear them....
Run for your lives little cookies, it's dangerous in this house!
Sounds like it is time to invest in a house treadmill so more cookies can be consumed.
Dang, why did they have to be white chocolate? No mortal person could resist those :)
I don't bake because I'd end up eating it.
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