That's when I was having trouble getting the measuring tape to fully retract - it would stick out about an inch or so and just wouldn't go back in. I put on my best pouty face and passed it to Jp to fix. He pulled the measuring tape all the way out expecting to reset it, but the button broke and then I was left with 3' of tape sticking out. Well that wasn't good either!
No problem, I thought and went to get the mini screwdriver. I undid all 5 screws, and pulled off the back when SPROING!!!! a metal coil popped out like one of those joke peanut cans with the snake (of 1950s-1960s pranking humor). So glad it didn't hurt anyone and so glad it was me and not him.
But the bad news, I couldn't get it back together. Plus besides not fixing the measuring tape, now I messed up the counter tool as well. Boo! I need those tools. Now I'll have to assemble a bunch of the parts in an old Altoids tin or something. And I am extra sad because the company that makes them doesn't ship to Canada (who doesn't ship worldwide these days? sheesh). Now I have to go hunting to find out where I can get another one, good thing I have a birthday coming up (hint hint LOL)*
I guess I don't have my father's skills or reputation of "Mr. Fix It"
*PS - Having more that one would NOT be a problem either!
I guess the export of this product is just much too dangerous, especially considering how craft Canadians can be.
Look on YouTube to see if someone can show you how. I use YouTube to fix everything :)
I'm glad that spring didn't put your eye out :)
Thank you Laoch - it's just the main supplier, other places sell it so I'll still get one anyway. The kit is TSA approved so I don't know what the big deal is. Thanks for support of Crafty Canadians!!!
and Rick -unfortunately too many parts were broken and springs were lost. It was unfixable. But thanks for the vote of confidence.
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