I find it interesting that the fear of an embarrassing photo is more motivation than a whole bunch of other things - morals, good judgement, to name a few. I never understood why people went so crazy at these things anyway - just because it's 'free booze'? To me, they are co-workers and I'm still at work, so my work self will be at the function. I'm not going to get all drunk and confess my true opinions on the boss or his/her spouse.
I guess some people feel hard done by their employer and want to get the most out of them. At one work lunch my boss at them time told me that I should order the salad, most expensive entree and dessert because the company was paying. I just wanted the chicken, I didn't need the lobster. He ordered as much as he could.
Is your motivation not to get drunk at a work function based on
a fear of a bad photo, or something else?
It's been a while since I visited your blog - it looks so pretty and festive! I'm afraid I can't contribute an opinion about drinking at work functions since I work alone in my home! If I wanted, I could drink all day long and nobody would ever take my picture! My motivation to not drink at work is I'd never get anything done!
Andree, me too- I work from home and haven't been to an office Christmas party for over 15 years!!! And I agree, drinking slows me down.
Thanks for the comments on my Christmas decorations on my blog-that's a big compliment coming from such a great designer as you!!!
wow, I think a lot of the "pining for the old days" is really a pining for something that did not much exist. I started working as lawyer in the late 1980s and went to a lot of Christmas parties at form's I worked for and at client's places. There was never the bacchanalia there was often reported later, sadly.
Hi Laoch - yes I agree, that's very true.
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