The Crochet Crowd put on a Mat Hatter Challenge where they provided a crocheted top hat pattern and then challenged the makers to create anything related to Alice in Wonderland - just under 350 hats were sent in for the challenge and I must admit I am really impressed with the creativity and variety. The instructions were "anything that represents any part of Alice In Wonderland Fairytale. Keep in mind that the story is filled with imagination and that there are so many different elements to the story that can be represented by a Top Hat." Well let me say, they certainly rose up to the challenge.
The top 5 hats will win $500 but there were many more prizes given away as well. I honestly don't know how they'll be able to pick just 5 top winners. And by the way, in case you're wondering what happens next - they hats are auctioned off with money going to charity
I wonder if the very act of wearing such a chapeau could make one mad?
Well the saying originally came about as hat makers often went 'mad' due to the chemicals/glues used in making hats - mercury poisoning that lead to dementia.
As to whether a crazy top hat could make one mad as in crazy or mad as in angry - I guess it depends on the hat and the wearer!
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