Well I did get out there and garden on Saturday. In fact, I was out there for about 6 hours. And it was another glorious perfect spring day on Sunday too, so I was out for about 4 hours. Saturday I put together some pots an planted some seeds. Then I worked on edging some garden beds and tidying them up. I discovered some extra plants and some plants are missing - like a wonderful viola that should've been up by now and seems to have disappeared under a pile of fern leaves. The only good thing is that the viola likes to travel and I have found little plants in other parts in the yard so I hope they will be able to establish themselves.
I also moved two roses that may have been a mistake. One has been overgrown by the wisteria and couldn't even bloom since it was robbed of light and water - however, thanks to those wisteria roots it was IMPOSSIBLE to dig it out, so I used my fingers to get ahold of as much root as I could and pulled. I sure hope it can regrown in the new place. It'll be so much happier where I moved it.
And that's basically my weekend- almost all of it outside and almost all gardening. But I'm so very grateful for the wonderful weather - it's been a few years that we've had an April like this one. One more day of sunshine and then it's back to rain for the rest of the week. But I sure am looking forward to the Good Friday holiday! And Easter this weekend, I can't believe it's already time for Easter. It's just the two of us, but we'll make it special somehow
Maybe an Easter egg hunt?
Oh that sounds glorious! Our snow is now almost all gone, but some of the ground is still frozen in spots, so I can't clean out my garden beds just yet. But I am hoping soon, since I have so little time left before this baby comes! I hope your roses make it. I've known some pretty hardy roses, so hopefully they'll be fine. I hope you have a great Easter!
Thank you, and wishing you both a wonderful Easter
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