Hi. Remember me? My name is Jazz and I am afraid of noise. yeah, I know, it doesn't make sense because I'm in the house behind a locked metal door but still, the noises bother me. In the morning it is the woodpecker and in the afternoon and evening it's firecrackers. I don't know where these kids are getting firecrackers in April and May but there are a lot of them. My owner has tried so many things to calm me down when I'm scared - but I still am. I wish I understood what she was saying, maybe I could be more calm.
Can you help?
Alright, and now back to me - I have been doing a variety of things this week. First I've been walking 4 1/2 km in the morning with my dawg, and then work has been a bit crazy (it's year end at the end of May) and then I've been gardening and knitting too.
Oh, and I made another needle felted animal, this one's a bear. I forgot to give him eyes, so right now he's my Blind Blue Bear. 

And finally, y'all can have a chuckle at this one - but this is the end result of the begining of barbecue season:

Yup. These were beautiful Maui Beef Ribs - from the butcher's, I watched him cut the meat especially for me. Then they marinated all afternoon until it was time for the barbecue. I placed them on the upper rack and had them cooking with only the middle flame on low for about 30 minutes. However, while they were cooking I read in the cook book made by the manufacturer of my grill that they should be on medium heat, so I turned the heat up. I went away for a few minutes, since they were going to have to cook for an hour, but when I checked on them, they were on fire, and by the time I got the fire out that's what they looked like.
Man, the last time I saw them they were looking so good. And JP and I had been waiting all day for them.
I ended up frying some Kielbasa instead.
In all the years I have been cooking and all the stuff I've BBQ'd this has never happened to me! What a way to start the BBQ season. I'm going to consider it a sacrificial offering to the BBQ Gods and wish for a happy cooking season!
aaww jazz! I wish I could help make the noise go away. and where did those kids get those firecrackers from anyways...!?
love your new blind blue bear!
and I think the bbq gods were out in full force this weekend.
we also bbq'd and tried out the new rotisserie- stupid thing dies halfway thru- it's brand new & never used before!- and we had to finish cooking everything in the oven. bah!!
Jazz thanks you. And yes, I wish I knew where they are getting those dang firecrackers!
Oh no! Sorry to hear about your BBQ, I guess you needed to give a meat sacrifice too. We must have made them angry or something!
Oh noes! Poor Jazz. Is it okay that I'm laughing at the picture of your Maui ashes? Oh it's not? Then I'm not laughing.
On the positive side, you can only go up from here. I sure hope the bbq gods are satisfied with your offering.
thanks Carol - yes you can laugh.They were so beautifully juicy and marinated, it's still too painful for me. I saw them just before they went up in flames. ... you would have also liked to see me huffing and puffing trying to blow out the fire fuelled by the fat too. That was fun.
The BBQ Gods better be happy with my sacrfice! It's going to be hot dogs and hamburger for the next little while anyways!
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