Here's my completed design for the last tea towel in the swap, the theme of the towel was 'spice girls' and I added this Sailor Jerry inspired design. The chain and the mace are done in a silver metallic thread: 

Now the bad news - she should have been placed higher on the towel. I don't know what I was thinking (nothing, I guess). Yup, I ruined her towel. Don't worry, JP's already given me heck for it - but it was already done, what could I do? If I unpicked it, I'll probably ruin her towel more! I believe she's a graphic designer, so perhaps she can add something to the towel to balance it out a bit more? 

Sigh ...
I don't think you have ruined the towel at all!
me either- I think she fits perfectly where she is- you did an awesome job & I know the towel owner will absolutely love it!!
Oh thank you both.... I feel so much better then.
Thank you for your comments!
FWIW - For what its worth
It is fine where it is.
Perhaps JP is looking at it from a simple practical view (you know, is my tie straight, is my haircut even, did I cut the lawn at the same height.) He wants symmetry.
But in art one is taught odd is often nicer than even. The Golden Triangle. The rule of 5. Never place the horizon in the middle of the picture. (yess yesss break the rules.)
I know this isn't art but uneven groupings are often more aesthetically pleasing.
It would look weird if it was moved up. Mace looks great right where she is.
Is more going to the towel?
Well how about adding a chili pepper to the upper right corner?
JMO - just my opinion.
ummm... well I don't know what JP was thinking but it is perfect the way it is. The girl with gun, Chili POWder, is pointing right at Mace. Kinda appropriate.
There are six elements on the towel which arranged evenly would be a rather plain, boring, pattern. But your placement, My Little Corner, is absolutely perfect. You've rescued an uninteresting layout with the placement of Mace. Now the four elements at the top form an oblique shape for the eye to follow into the bottom right. Landing on RoseMary the eye drifts left to Chili POWder and back to Mace.
Sorry. I got carried away with the clever arrangement. Your inner artist needs to stand up to your critics.
wee timid mee
Count me in as loving it just is! Nicely done.
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