Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Back to normal

JP's luggage was delivered at 12:30am yesterday all the way out here - we were probably his last stop. I did get an email from my neighbour the next morning asking what happened as the guy kept his van running and dragged it up the driveway waking her up. (oops - what can I do about it?)
Andyway, we're so glad it's back - better to happen at the end of a trip, although it shouldn't really happen at all! 100% perfection expected people! I'm not just happy because I get to do more laundry (just kidding) but because in that suitcase there were some presents for me! And he teased me about them from the time he landed until the time he gave them to me.

From the House of Blues, he brought me this gorgeous studded embossed 'tattoo' leather clutch purse :

and this studded T-shirt:

It's all so rock and roll... even for a jazz lovin' gal! Those little studs on the t-shirt are sooooo bright, I wish I could have conveyed that on the photo - they almost look like little LED lights are in there.

Pretty cool presents aren't they? Oh I also got a shot glass from his conference and a cute key chain from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (sorry I forgot to take photos). I've made many a business trip and travelled many times with co-workers and unless they went shopping at mid-night they didn't bring anything back for anyone!

And to make things even better - summer is here! I'm so happy, I love the heat! Well, as long as I don't have work in it, or have a nice event like a wedding and arrive all sweaty or something..... anyway..... yesterday my thermometer said it was 32 degrees Celsius, but I worked at my desk until 4 and then we went to Costco and didn't get back until 7:30. boo, I missed out on all that weather. But, I am so proud of us- we didn't buy any frivolous items there - no books, DVDs or magazines or gadgets - just food! Isn't that great! Good food - good tasting and good for you too.... lots of veggies, oranges and other basic food items (okay some 7-layer dip and tortilla chips crept in there but that's not so bad)

Today it's also 32 degrees and as soon as I'm done work I'm going to get out there and enjoy - hmm, do I weed the garden or just sit and enjoy? ...............................As I was waiting for the photos to load, I decided that I won't work in this glorious heat - not today anyway.

Is the heat a joyous or cursed moment for you?


And finally, if you are interested in some summer reading and would like to read a well written commentary, you may want to read this from The Slack Daily (blog).

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