Yay! Husband came home last night, but his luggage didn't.
He texts me to say that they've landed.
He texts me to say he's "bag wait-ey".
I text him when I see a colleague from the same flight come through the doors into the Arrivals lounge.
Nothing. No reply.
I text him again, asking if he's okay.
Nothing. No reply.
I'm fearing that Customs has given him a hard time for something, I think worrisome thoughts.
Many people come through and it starts to thin out in the Arrivals area. About 20 minutes later I see him come through the first set of doors, I can see across the room on the monitor that he looks tired. I see he has no baggage.
He comes through the second set of doors and we meet. Yay, you're home. Yup, no baggage, it's still in Chicago. He's home 3 hours later than he should have been. We are happy that Monday is a holiday.
He's glad it happened at the end of his trip as he can survive without it at home, instead of while he was away. We hope to see it tomorrow.
agh nuts!! there's nothing worse than your luggage going astray- I hope they will deliver it to you directly!!
Bummer. Did I ever tell you my mom's luggage got lost from Calgary to Abbotsford once? Yup. It's just one 45 minute flight. Where did it go? No idea. It arrived on our doorstep at 11:00 the following night. Someone drove it out to us in Maple Ridge. Luggage is weird!
Carol - how did that happen - they even have their own terminal!
Luggage _is_ weird - you are correct!
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